Friday, March 27, 2020

Why Do They Differ?

Why Do They Differ?Many people do not know about the attraction between protons and neutrons and what the differences between the two are, as they try to go for the normal chemistry that will take a long time. It is very important to understand the properties of protons and neutrons and their relation to each other in order to be able to identify the mistake.The protons and neutrons are the building blocks of matter atoms, nuclei and molecules. They all have the same size, which is the same, if they are made from different substances. However, the mass of the particles and their charge are different.Protons and neutrons together are the two basic particles of matter. The difference between protons and neutrons is that the protons have a negative charge while the neutrons have a positive charge. In other words, the protons have been created as negative electrons while the neutrons have been created as positive electrons.We do not know the name of the protons and neutrons because they were not discovered until a century ago. They are still called the 'bump'pebble' particles. There are many ways to give an idea of their size by adding these to a graph. The proton is the largest and the neutron is the smallest.The smaller one has a negative charge and the bigger one has a positive charge. We can give an idea of their sizes and shapes by using various elements and counting the charges. If you count the proton's charge, it is a bit above one thousand, which means that it is a positively charged atom, while the neutron has a higher charge than the proton. The proton also has a larger mass than the neutron, but it has a smaller charge.So, we see that protons and neutrons have the same size and same mass but have different charges. Protons have a negative charge, while neutrons have a positive charge. These two substances differ from each other in size, mass and charge.Protons are heavier than neutrons and they weigh more because they have a bigger mass. The great advan tage of having protons and neutrons together is that there is more energy in the gas molecules because there are more protons and a higher number of neutrons.

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