Thursday, March 5, 2020

Web Stats in May 2011

Web Stats in May 2011 May 2011 was a poor performing month due to the end of school season. However, we remain very optimistic about our long-term traffic growth due to our ongoing development and marketing efforts. There were 162 unique, non-spam lead (down from 193 in April). 2,440 visitors came to Tutorz. (2,890 in April). The visitor-to-lead conversion ratio dropped again to 6.5% (from 6.7% in April). Only 15 new tutors signed up (in April it was 27). The traffic loss also caused Alexas to lower Tutorz Global Rank down to 12.2 million (1.08 million in April) and the U.S. local rank down to 640,000 (475,000 in April). Unfortunately, the bounce rate has increased yet again from 41.6% to 43.6%. The graphs below visualize some of these of web statistics.

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